I meet my dear friend Chloe about 3 years ago at The Spotted Pig in New York by sheer coincidence. We were all smothered together in a tiny room upstairs, when we happened to be seated next too one another. We struck up a friendly conversation that lead to shopping sprees in Topshop, Lunches at Roka, too many Spa Sessions to Count and well.. The rest is history ( At the time I was living in London). Ever since I’ve know her, she has been one of my most stylish friends. Even when Violet was an infant she was the only mom I knew that rocked Christian Louboutin shoes and Stella McCartney Tops will breast feeding! Tres Chic! Chloe is one of my favorite friends to spoil… Probably because she is the most beautifully sweet, calm, selfless and thoughtful friends any girl could ask for! Not only is she all those very wonderful things, but is always gracious enough to extend their very cozy guest room to me every time I’m in town. She’s also an amazing mother and soon to be Bride. Chloe will be walking down the aisle in the next week to marry her lovely fiance, Coldplay Guitarist, Jonny Buckland. Lucky Girl! So I will be traveling across the pond to celebrate this joyous occasion with the Happily ever after couple. I interviewed Chloe to find out why she cant live without her iPhone, How the Brazilian blow out makes her life easy, and why her heart belongs to Jamaica!
1. Name
Chloe Lee-Evans (soon to be Buckland!)
2. Where do you live?
Hampstead, London. Sometimes the East Village in New York
3. How Many Kids do you have?
One – my gorgeous little Violet, aged almost two.
4. How many Kids do you want?
Probably three? We’ll see as we go!
5. Did you have a moment when you realized you had turned into your mother? What was it?
In a shoe shop, buying shoes for my daughter. The shop assistant asked what style she’d like and I replied ‘I don’t mind what they look like, as long as they fit well!’ That’s exactly what my mother would have said. She was adamant we wore ‘sensible’ shoes when we were little!
6. Favorite Family Tradition
Waking up early on Christmas morning to open our stockings together. Everyone in my family has one with his or her name embroidered on it. My grandmother made mine when I was born, and then one for Violet. I made one for my fiancé.
7. What have your parents taught you about marriage?
Good communication is key – whether it be talking through a problem or just chatting about your day. And they’ve been married for 36 years!
8. What are 3 of your favorite qualities you love about your husband-to-be?
He’s very kind, intelligent and has the ability to make everyone around him smile.
9. What is the one thing you can’t live without?
My i-Phone! Keeping in touch, snapping photos of my day, to-do lists, calendar. I’d be lost without it!
10. What is your perfect idea of Happiness?
Around a big table eating great food with the people I love.
11. What is your favorite discovery?
The Brazilian Blow Dry! I have thick, coarse, completely unruly hair. It is the only thing that’s been able to tame it!
12. Necessary Extravagance?
Taxis in London and Crème de La Mer!
13. Who is your Real life Hero?
A friend of mine, who is also a mother. This past year has been hell for her yet she has remained so strong and positive. It is very humbling and I admire her so much.
14. What is your present state of mind?
Happy and contented.
15. Favorite Place to Travel in the world?
New York & Jamaica will always have a special place in my heart.
16. Favorite Hotel?
I love the Bowery in New York – lots of good memories. For total peace I’d spend a weekend at Tensing Pen in Jamaica. It’s rustic with beautiful ocean views and far enough up the cliff to avoid the crazy Negril party scene.
17. Preferred Airline?
Virgin Atlantic. The staff are friendly and helpful and I like their beds!
18. Chic Luggage brand?
I’m pretty functional when it comes to luggage so it’s usually enormous Tumi suitcases. I save the chic for the hand luggage – an oversized brown leather Chloe bag with big stitching and buckle straps.
19. Signature Perfume?
Chanel Coco Mademoiselle, but I don’t often wear perfume. I stopped when my daughter was born, as newborns are apparently very sensitive to scent.
20. Favorite Flowers to fill your home?
When in season, I always have tulips on my kitchen table.
21. Favorite Dessert to Order?
The white chocolate and raspberry dessert they serve at Roka on Charlotte Street.
22. Favorite Stationary you use?
Smythson – the notes and envelopes have a lovely feel and weight. They are doing our wedding invites! I also always stock up on handmade cards at ‘Cat Fish Greetings’ on Mulberry in Manhattan.
23. Favorite Room in your Home?
Our drawing room. The house is always busy with people coming and going but that room always feels peaceful and calm.
24. What things do you do to be more eco friendly?
Eco friendly household products, biodegradable chlorine-free diapers and baby wipes, our lovely hybrid car… but my big obsession is with reducing my usage of plastic carrier bags. Reusable bags are everywhere now – we just need to get in the habit of carrying them with us – everywhere!
25. Favorite Neighbourhood restaurant?
Ottolenghi in Islington for brunch or lunch.
26. Favorite Designer?
I try to mix it up as much as possible, but if I went into Chloe or Stella McCartney I know I’ll always find something I’d love to wear.
27. Favorite store? And Favorite Bargain shop?
I tend to end up zipping around Selfridges Department Store as it has everything under one roof. Since having my daughter time is precious – naptime only lasts a few hours! For bargains it would probably be American Apparel. I always keep a good stock of their black winter leggings!
28. Which Day bag do you carry?
I’m a sucker for bags so I have lots. Current favourite is a little black satin Lavin bag with a long strap that I wear messenger-style – it’s pretty and feminine but also practical when I need my hands free and don’t want to be weighed down by a big bag.
29. Preferred Jeans?
At the moment, Acne Kex in navy. JBrand jeans also fit my shape well. Even during pregnancy they were a staple.
30. What is your style uniform?
As a mum I tend to dress for walks on Hampstead Health or play-dates at the park, so it’s usually jeans or leggings, flats and a smart top or jumper. I splash out on a gorgeous coat for the winter – something with a bit of character or detail that dresses up the whole jeans look. It’s too easy to get stuck in a rut when you put on jeans everyday, so I always try to add something I really love. In the summer I keep things really simple with a little sundress and pretty sandals.
31. What is your most frequently worn purchase of 2009?
Mui Mui flats – lovely gold gladiator style sandals and a pair of black leather studded ballet pumps with bows.
32. Favorite Website? Last 5 google searches?
My favourite websites are probably vintage furniture sites like www.retrouvius.com. I’m always on the look out for great pieces for our house. For some girlie window-shopping I’ll look in net-a-porter.com.
Last 5 Google searches:
“Restaurants in Borough Market”
“Covent Garden Flower Market”
“BBC News”
“Affordable Arts Fair”
33. Favorite Charity?
We’re raising money for the UK-based charity Shelter, which works to improve the lives of homeless and badly housed people. Instead of wedding gifts we are asking our guests if they will make a donation.
Fabulous Interview Doll!
Chloe seems so calm and beautiful.
Chloe is a wonderful person inside and out, and you did a great interview on her. Being brought by a traditional and complete family, a good person is born on her. – juicy couture outlet locations
NICE, The first, i think she is beautiful.
If you see Chloe (aka ‘The Duchess’), just let her know that ‘Gypo’ says hi. Not seen her in years. Went round South America with her. Nicest person I have ever met.
Wow… I can’t believe I’ve just stumbled across this interview. Chloe & Jonny were ever so kind to me back when I lived in London, so down-to-earth & sweet. This was a lovely insight. x
They are nicest people anyone can ever meet! So unpretentious and caring.
I am glad I have met them.
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