Whats For Dinner: Lasagna Cupcakes

Chances are if you live in LA you’ve seen the heirloom food truck and have tried one of their tasty Lasagna Cupcakes. Lasagna Cupcakes are individual sized portions of lasagna that hold their shape after being heated up and can be eaten with your hands! Although the flavors defy traditional recipes, they retain the integrity that any nonna inspires… hand-rolled pasta, fresh cheeses and herbs, seasonal vegetables, humanely raised meats, and organic tomatoes. Heirloom Caterings are now shipping these tasty wonders frozen on dry ice so that you can keep them in the freezer for up to one month or pop them directly in the oven upon their arrival. Also local delivery available. Perfect for nights when you need a break from cooking and want to serve your family something they will love!



#1 Nicole on 04.26.12 at 4:36 am

I love this! Having the girls over and serving these with some wine would be so fun. I must master this at home!

#2 Em {pushups with polish} on 05.01.12 at 2:48 pm

i love your blog ohh so much!

#3 Elizabeth on 05.05.12 at 2:54 am

these are too cute. is it bad if i make them for myself!?

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