Be Hold: The Gift Drawer

Wives… Sick of Getting crappy gifts form your husband???
Well Low and Behold “THE GIFT DRAWER!” Find an Empty Drawer in your house ( Maybe clean out your kitchen junk drawer ) and start Filling Your Gift Drawer with magazine cut outs of items you want for your Birthday, Christmas, or Valentine’s Day. And inform your clueless husband, that when a holiday is approching where he would need to buy you something, he can just consult “The Gift Drawer.” Its the perfect way to start getting the Presents you want and deserve!

My Rule : I absolutely hate when people say “Oh its the thought that counts!” Because in Reality, If they really “thought” about it…. Then I’d Like It!

What would be in my “Gift Drawer”

Givenchy Gold Band Bow Bracelet
Hermes Studded Watch

Hermes Feu2Dou Bi Material Bag

Hermes Double Kelly Tour Bracelet


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