Nothing quite beats something hand-knit. Unless, it’s hand-knit with wool from sheep you raised yourself. No need to whip out the staff and don the bonnet (unless you want to), you can channel your inner Bo Peep by joining the Martha’s Vineyard or Hudson Valley Fiber Farm’s Yarn CSA. For a minimal fee, equivalent to what you would spend on really nice yarn anyway, you can get a share of fluffiness that can be traced back to Sassafrass, Miss Victoria, or any of the other organically-grazed Angora goats and Babydoll sheep that make up the farms’ flocks.
They Price Their Yarn CSA at $150 per share. Of course you’re welcome to buy as many shares as you like (while they last!) and a Yarn CSA share makes a great gift for all the knitters and crocheters in your life. If you’re a spinner’s share you can purchase a “spinner’s share” in the form of raw fleece or roving.Their farms practices humane animal husbandry, They are “predator friendly” and none of their animals are ever sold for meat. The sheep and goats graze on organic pasture 9 months out of the year. They supplement with quality hay and a custom-made whole grain ration.
And their goats are just too cute for words… I think i’ll ask for one for my birthday, Even though i dont knit. One might look quite cute in the front yard to greet house guests
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