The Great European Escape Part III: Day Trip to Venice!

We Arrived in Venice, The Floating City…. I was Exhausted from a sleepless night of Insane thunderstorms on Lake Como. All of us girls were woken up around 4:00am, Terrified of the cracking lightening that hit in the back rose garden and roaring thunder that loomed above. The Window shutters rattled back and fourth as we tried to shut them. All the while remembering in such great detail the ghost stories that were told the night prior. Frightened out of wits we managed to get another hour of sleep before hitting the road to Venice.

Jenny, Veronica, Sophie and I excited to be on a boat taking in the sights of Venice!
Sophie, Jenny and Veronica

Sophie and I pose on a Bridge
We decided to lunch at Trattoria Madonna, which is known for having the most amazing seafood dishes in Venice. Veronica and I split the pasta with Black squid ink sauce, Which was a yummy treat.
Sophie, Veronica, Myself and Max pounding on an old church door.
“Knock Knock Knockin on Heaven’s Door!”
Inside an amazing artists exhibit space
Veronica haves a laugh while Max looks on...
Sophie and I at the Dock waiting for the Boat to fetch us.
To Cool of from the sweltering hot day we stopped for Gelato!
Sophie, Veronica, Myself and Max licking our quickly melting Gelato….

Jenny Stops to take a few artistic photos!

Next Stop: Florence!

1 comment so far ↓

#1 meAmber on 09.21.09 at 5:25 pm

Looks like you had a blast! the photographer is genius… with every frame i realized that i really wanted to go toVenice!

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