Mom Must Have: MomaRoo

We’ve never seen a parent vibrate like a bouncy seat or swing like a swing. But we’ve seen thousands of parents scoop their little ones up in their arms and bounce and sway. And that’s what the mamaRoo does it imitates the way a parent moves with their child. Which is why this is the perfect baby gift for any new parent. Not only does the MamaRoo have 5 great settings, but the most useful setting duplicates a car ride… which we all know soothes babies to sleep in no time and makes this product priceless! – Taryn Cox for THE WIFE

Hundreds of people helped develop the mamaRoo. While medical experts pushed for speeds that would really stimulate a baby’s inner ear, some moms preferred slower movements. So we made the speed adjustable. Slow down for rest or speed up to play.

We love monkeys at the zoo, but not in our living rooms. Our plush toy balls are black and white on one side for infants.The other side is for when babies can see color (around 4 months). Perfectly sized for little hands, they easily pop in and out of the mobile so babies can chew…err…study them

The mamaRoo’s seat reclines to any position along its axis. The machine washable fabric removes easily. It’s as easy to clean as it is to use. Babies love white noise machines, so we built one in. Choose from one of five nature sounds, or for something a little more rockin’, connect any MP3 player. $199.99


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