Entries Tagged 'About Me' ↓
July 27th, 2010 — About Me, Activities, Health

Sheep in the countryside of Buckinghamshire

Atkins Farm

Everyone Suiting up for Polo.

Polo Sticks

The Atkins Farm Mascot, Rocky the Dog.

Mini Photo Shoot with Clemmie and I.

Our Handsome Teacher and Extraordinary Polo Player, Clark Betz

The Wooden Horse used to practice swings.

Clark Teaches us how to properly hold the stick.

Miguel Takes a Swing

Clemmie Learns to Follow Through.

My Turn.

Ambiance, A Horse Shoe.

Miguel saddling up in the Practice Arena.

“Major” The World Renowed Polo Couched us for the 2nd half of the 3 hour lesson.

On my horse trying to find the ball.

Clemmie bonds with her horse.

End of The Lesson.

If your interested in Polo Lessons Visit the Website Below.
The Atkins Farm Polo Academy
The Atkins Stud Farm
Facebook Page
June 30th, 2010 — About Me, Travel

My best friend Nicole and I depart LAX.

Headed to Portugal.

Nicole and I on our connecting flight to Lisbon… Needless to say it was an empty flight.

Clemmie and Miguel at breakfast on the terrace. Homemade Belgium waffles made by Miguel followed by manicures at the house.

Sam and Miguel giving useless directions.

Me, The Birthday Girl and her 2 best friends!

Shopping around town.

Nicole chatting on the phone with friends from home.

Sam at my birthday Lunch… Fresh fish!!

Nicole and I.

And the photos shoots begin!

Nicole… A.k.a – Naza


Clemmie and Naza, We went for Sunset cocktails at Bairro Alto Hotel.

Clemmie Posing for the camera.

The Birthday Girl after getting a relaxing massage! Heaven!

Sam looking like a gentlemen.

My birthday dinner/ Pre wedding dinner.

Naza in her darling Sonia Rykiel dress on the dance floor.

Me, The Birthday Girl and Clemmie.

Clemmie drives us all to the beach.

Driving over the river.

We arrive at the sea!

Fun in the sun at Costa Caparica


Everyone jumps into the sea.

Bronzing Time!

Sam and Clemmie digging in the sand.

Poor Sam got buried…


Naza and I being silly.

Clemmie and Naza air fighting.

Woo Hoo!

I just love sea grass!

Clemmie and I with a Surfer.

Naza makes sand angels.

Playing in the waves.

At dinner with Naza and Sam.

An elegant evening: Sam, Naza, Miguel and I.

Clemmie poses with a statue.

Discovering the beautiful property of Fronteira Palace.

The Wedding!

Outside Ambiance.

Our table at the wedding.

Wedding Reception.

Wedding Cake.

I find my favorite treat ever… Portuguese Donuts!

Another day at the shore, Guincho Beach.

Miguel driving.

Sam and I at Lunch.


Naza and Clemmie sipping cocktails on the shore.

Miguel and Naza.

Clemmie and I hail a cab for the concert.

Bureka Som Sistema and The Black Eyed Peas Concert.

Naza, Me, Miguel and Clemmie Dancing.

Me enjoying the evening.

Naza, Clemmie and I take a break from dancing. After the concert we went for the best steak I have ever had at Cafe Sao Bento.


Last day in Lisbon.

The End… Off to London!
May 26th, 2010 — About Me

We all know with my birthday comes another fabulous trip to celebration. So tomorrow I’m off to Portugal for a week and then to play in London. I wont be posting while I’m away, but will be back in 2 weeks time to share all my holiday photos and with creative new posts. – Miss Taryn Cox
May 26th, 2010 — About Me

(Photographed: Myself at age 3 and My Mom)
This Friday, May 28th Is My Birthday! I want to Thank all my darling and supportive readers for another year of getting to do what I love most… Writing about Domestic Bliss! I truly live a passionate and happy life! Cheers! – Miss Taryn
May 16th, 2010 — About Me, Article

“Hits and Mrs.”
A new generation of female bloggers is championing the importance of being a good wife and partner. – Whtiney Friedlander for The Los Angeles Times
Wouldn’t it be easier to stop the juggling act and be a housewife and a helpmate? Wouldn’t it be better for her spouse and children if she were to opt for a more traditional role — full-time wife, full-time mom, full-time writer of thank-you notes — a choice that continues to be embraced by many forces in our culture?
Consider this: Three-quarters of Americans believe both partners should contribute to the household income, according to a Pew Research Center study from October. Meanwhile, only 37% of mothers who work outside the home want to be working full time, that same study reported.
Maybe those women are just tired, stressed out by the complications of everyday life amid a recession. Maybe it’s easier to idealize so-called simpler times (1945 to ’65 anyone?) amid difficult ones. Or perhaps we should examine the role of pop culture and TV, which has a tendency to clothe domestic life in perfect little cocktail dresses.
After all, the much watched women of Wisteria Lane seem to be more interested in “feminine arts” such as gossiping and scheming than in holding down a corporate gig. The housewives of the Camelot-era “Mad Men” seem to have nothing better to do than mix martinis, look fabulous and inspire a partnership with Banana Republic and a slew of cocktail recipes that are listed on sites such as Oprah.com.
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Whatever the source of their inspiration, a small contingent of women are turning to the Internet to champion the importance of being a good wife and partner. Some of their voices are sincere and straightforward. Others toy with the notion of 1950s housewifery, viewing it through a lens that seems clouded with nostalgia. It seems doubtful any of them would endear themselves to the editors of Ms. Magazine, but they have tapped into a longing.
There are bloggers like Kathi Browne, a fortysomething mother of three in Maryville, Tenn., who stopped working in the corporate world after her third child was born and summarizes her philosophy at Wingspouse.com as “an alternative to the traditional career choices some executive spouses are forced to make. Rather than requiring a choice between a career or family, the wingspouse career unites the two — creating a partnership between the executive and the spouse, and leading to mutual success.”
A wingspouse can help analyze an executive’s ideas without fear of reprisals — or theft. A wingspouse might accompany his or her partner to a speaking event and help work the room — or simply stand back and read people to see if the message is getting across. Or provide comfort on the home front. “Another wingspouse shared her secret to making her husband feel settled sooner,” Browne blogged last December. “She hangs the same plaque in the front entrance of every home they move to.”
A wingspouse can be a man or a woman, but Browne acknowledges that she believes she is writing primarily for women.
In the San Diego area, Kelley Lilien, 30, a graphic designer and work-from-home mother of two, lets her inner eccentric housewife run free with MrsLilien.com. Hers is a splashy website with themed posts on perfect picnic outfits and snacks or Grace Kelly tributes, each entry enhanced by a fanciful poem.
Keeping everything tongue-in-cheek, Lilien also extols the virtues of another nuclear family stereotype, the mother’s little helper. She is not afraid to mention booze, pills and retail therapy on her blog. While her alter ego might be the one to show up at your cousin’s wedding in a T-shirt-length magenta kaftan to match her super-sized Cosmopolitan cocktail, the real-life Mrs. Lilien is slightly more subdued, happily affixing her fingers with the cocktail rings her husband gives her each Valentine’s Day, never leaving the house without lipstick and believing that a good dinner party “is just what life’s about.”
And then there’s Taryn Cox, who isn’t afraid to put it all out there, unabashedly writing about stereotypically uxorial topics ranging from themed baby showers and creating her own cocktail-style dresses to the art of ironing a newspaper and how to clean with vodka at a blog she has titled TarynCoxTheWife.com.
Cox’s posts showcase classic glamour and gorgeous parties as songs such as “Sunny Side of the Street” play in the background.
“I’ve always just been so completely fascinated by the idea of marriage and dedication,” says Cox, a trim 26-year-old with a penchant for pastels and an e-mail address that starts with “stepfordwife.”
No, she’s not married and she doesn’t have kids, but “this [blog] is for those dreams and fantasies. I believe my own vision. I believe there’s an art to being a good wife.”
Growing up in Newport Beach as an only child to a single mom, Cox says her enthusiasm for the wife-and-mother role grew when she saw all her elementary school friends getting picked up at the curb when school let out and she was shuttled off to the YMCA for after-school care. Her blog, where the word “wife” is written in capital letters, includes rules for domestic bliss (WIFE rule No. 17: “The perfect WIFE should shave her legs every day or every other day.” WIFE rule No. 14: “The perfect WIFE should have the most beautiful and neat handwriting. This always comes in handy when writing Thank You notes, Addressing Cards, and Sharing Recipes”).
While not blogging, she’s parlayed years of personal assistant gigs for the likes of Lindsay Lohan and Scarlett Johansson into her current position as a domestic assistant and organizer for philanthropist Monica Rosenthal and her husband, TV producer Phil Rosenthal. Cox says it should give her plenty of practice for her planned life, as she helps with grocery shopping, organizing dinner parties and other duties.
Cox says she’s one of the first people her friends call when they get engaged, possibly because of her two giant binders of articles about wedding and party planning.
So, what’s her dating life like? Cox is somewhat mum on that, saying she usually dates only men she meets through mutual friends.
“[But] I’ve always been told I have very high expectations when it comes to dating men, which I always found to be an overexaggerated statement,” Cox says. “I think my expectations are not over the top but should be the norm. I think it’s important for a man to practice opening doors, calling instead of sending a text, putting forth the effort to make plans in advance instead of waiting to the last minute. It shows that he ultimately respects you and your time when paying attention to you and the small details.”
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