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My East Coast Hampton’s Picnic

In Honor of My 26th Birthday, I decided to be creative and throw Myself a East Coast Hampton’s Themed Picnic in the Park. To Set the proper tone, I made all my friends dress up in their best rendition of “Preppy” Hampton’s outfits…. Everyone’s Inspiration was from Chuck Bass to Blair Waldorf. Complete with a touch of Ralph Lauren, a string of Pearls, Headbands with Bows, Pastel Polos, Navy Stripes, Topsiders and Cardigans tied around the neck.
The Whole Gang playing a Wee Game of Badmitton.
Veronica, Jenny, John and Myself.
Posey Posey… My Favorite Photo of the Day. Brantley and I look straight out of the 1950’s. Love the Strain of Pearls… So Jackie O! Haha

The Setting…..
The Theme Colors for my Picnic were red and white. Traditional Picnic Colors to lead with if you ask me. My Lovely mother so graciously donated her time to sewing picnic blankets and pillow covers.

Picnic Blankets: I went to Joann’s Fabric Store for Solid red and red and white stripped fabric. We sewed Water Proof Table cloths to the bottom of the Fabric, so they wouldn’t get damp through out the day.

Pillows: The Pillows came from Ikea ( $1.50 Each ) and My mom and I sewed Ikea white and red stripped dish towels (.75 for 1) together for pillow covers. Each Blanket had 2 pillows for lounging or lazy afternoon naps.

Extras: Each Picnic Blanket had a Red Blanket, in case of chilly breezes. a Bouquet of daisies tied with red Ribbon.
Lunch Boxes….

Each Guest in their RSVP was to select their choice of Lunch Options. They Choose From Turkey, Tuna and Caprese Sandwiches from the Larchmont Cheese shop wrapped in wax paper and tied with a red stripped ribbon. Also in each guests lunch were Kettle Potato Chips and a Choice between an shiny Apple or Cherries.

Lunch boxes were Purchased at the Container Store for $1.99 Each.

Outside of Each Lunchbox was a Red and White Polka Dot Menu and Matching Red Name Tag with the Guests Name.
All Ribbon is from Joann’s Fabric Store
Menu Cards and Guest Name Tags were Purchased at The Paper Source.

Polka Dot Fold Cards, 9.00 for set of 10
Name Tags, 5.00 for 25

( Extra Cards doubled as Thank you notes! )

a Peak Inside

For Drinks…
I Purchased a couple Red Metal Buckets with Ice and Vintage Inspired Root Beer, Cola and Vanilla Creme Sodas. Also In a Silver Bucket was Pelligrino and Bottles Waters.

Dessert – Cupcakes in a Jar….
On the Bottom of the Jar was an inch of Strawberry Jam, Then I placed a Butter Cupcake with a Dollop of Cream Cheese Frosting on Top. They Started to melt a little during lunch, but still tasted phenomenal for a tasty afternoon treat!
(Plastic jars were purchesed from the Container store for $1.99 a Piece.)

The Inspiration behind the dessert came from Martha Stewart Spring weddings.
Here is it shown as a End of the night treat for guests to take home.
* Note… If you do try and recreate this, these glass jars are very pricey. They go anywhere between 5 and 6 dollars each.

Veronica Chugging a Creme Soda and Me Hiding Behind a Fresh Bouquet of Daisies

Me Blowing out my Birthday Candle….
Make a Wish…….

Veronica in a Red Paper crown I made for a few Special Guests
My Two Best Friends… Lindsey and Veronica Under the Red Umbrella that wouldn’t stay in the Ground.

Jenna and Lindsey…. Being Responsible and Picking up our trash.
The Magnificant Brantley… and his fantastic Vintage Polariod Camera…

Let the Croqette Begin… Sophie making her winning move.
Phoebe and John Debate the Next move...

Pretty Good at Croqettte for my first time.

Photo Shoot Time….
Sophie and I Take a Breather from afternoon games… Oddly it looks like a Teen Vogue Spread. Haha!

Veronica and Sean Take a Nap before its time to pack up and go home….
What a Lovely afternoon


My Girls Trip To The Bahamas

After working very hard all Spring, Lindsey has the Genius Idea for a Girls Get Away to the Bahamas! It was Just what the Doctor ordered… well minus the Rain. We had such a great time, but as always were forced back to Reality. 

Below are some of our Photos from the Trip….
Leaving the House in My Perfectly Planned Airplane Outfit, with my Mulberry Piccadilly Travel Bag.

Waiting for our Plane to get to the Gate…. But we always seem entertain ourseleves with an impromptu Photo Shoot!

Veronica and Lindsey with her New Louis Vuitton Never Full Tote! The Perfect Carry on for Traveling!
First Class Lounge Fun!

The View from the Plane!

We Stopped at The Fort in Lyford Cay for Shaken Pina Colada Cocktails. 
Scoping out the Cloudy Beach…. Praying the Sun will come out and Play!
Linds and Veronica search for Sea Shells.

What a Happy Bunny!!!

Me Modeling my new Polka Dot Bikini!

Linds and I

No Service on our Blackberry’s meant a Real Vacation.
Our Source of Transportation… Scooters!
Lindsey Scootin to Breakfast…..

Rainy Day Fun!

Today’s My 26th Birthday!!!

Happy Birthday To Me!

Girl’s Road Trip…

Sorry Wifette’s, I know I have been M.I.A. for the last week or so.

My Darling Friend Clementine has been my House guest from London for the last two weeks, After a bad break up with her boyfriend she decided to come to California. Ironically the same week My Best Friend Veronica broke up with her boyfriend as well. And as a result I decided to plan a massive road trip for the Four of Us ( Clementine, Veronica, Jenny and Myself ) To Clear our minds,Empower our Inner selves, Motivate for the Future.

The Road trip would start at my friend Mikey’s Stunning Estate in Malibu ( He’s at Harvard, and Graciously loaned it to me for the Evening. ) Then to Big Sur and and Up to Napa Valley. I planned everything perfeclty down to every last detail….

I’ve actually Included our Itinerary below, Just in case any of you gets motivated by our Journey up North.


– 1:30 pm: Meet at Taryn’s Home

– 1:45 pm: Pick up Hertz Rental Car
( A Shiny White Acadia, Just Barely enough room to fit 4 Girls and All out Flippin Luggage, Which of Course we all Over Packed! )

– Malibu Country Mart ( Shop Around )

– Arrive at Mikey’s Malibu Estate

– Ralph’s Grocery Store ( See Shopping List )

( Veronica Making her Legendary Guacamole! )

– Cook Dinner at the House, Pan Seared Halibut, Sweet Potatoes, Roasted Cauliflower and
Fresh Bread. Homemade Chocolate Chip Cookies for Dessert

– 8:00 pm: Dinner Party ( 6 Guests )
( After Dinner we Watched “Nick and Nora’s Infinite Playlist“, Best Movie Ever, Very Funny! )

( Veronica and I outside Starbucks )


– 8:00 am: Breakfast at Mikey’s Home
Chocolate Croissants and Fruit Smoothies
( Sadly no one read that the Trader Joe’s Chocolate croissants have to rise overnight, So we made impromptu Scrambled Eggs and Fruit. )

And Were off any running by 10:30… Another Delay, Everyone has to make a Starbucks Stop….

Pit Stop Somewhere on the outskirts of Pismo Beach…..

I Just Adore This Photo Taken By: Jenny Bahn
Veronica, Jenny and I
I find it Comical we all look like where in a J- Crew Catalog.

Veronica, Clemmie and Jenny!

Veronica, The Bunny Whale!



The Fabulous Jenny!

After Driving another 2 Hours, We Stopped Again, This Time just outside big Sur…. Another Photo Shoot!!! Yay!
This Pictures looks like it could be press for a really cool Kick Ass Girl Band.. Haha!

Jenny, Veronica and Clemmie

Posing in Big Sur on Tree Stumps… Were so Creative!

– Lunch at Nepenthe ( Photographed Above )
48510 Highway One
Big Sur, California 93920
( We got there at 4:00 pm, For a really Late Lunch. I was mostly Shocked that they charge you $17.00 Dollars for a sandwich, But I guess what your actually paying for is the Gorgeous View! The burgers are Amazing though..)

– Check into Big Sur Campground
4700 Highway 1
Big Sur, California 93920
( We Had Cabin #103 ( 2 bedroom Loft ) It was Newly Remodeled and Sat just next to a very Rustic River. )

– 8:30 pm: Dinner at Big Sur Bakery
Big Sur Coast Highway, Route 1
Big Sur, California 93920
( This Restaurant is very Cute and Romantic )

– Toast Smores Back at the Cabin
( Myself and Jenny Toasting Marshmallows )


– Breakfast at the Cabin

Psychic: Rosemary Sanders At
The Pilgrim’s Way Book Shop

Dolores Between 5th and 6th
Carmel, California, 93923
Reservation at 11:00 am ( Each Person has 20 Minute Reading ) $30.00
( Rosemary has the most amazing ability to know everything about you and predict your future perfectly. This was my second time going to her and everything she told me last time has already come true! I try to see her once a year… I get so antsy, I always need a little Movie Trailer Sneak peak into my Future Life. )

– Lunch at the San Fransisco Ferry Building Marketplace
One Ferry Building
San Francisco, California 94111

We ate Lunch at The Slanted Door, and Walked around the Wharf and Took Cheesy Photos with our Sailor Hats! Hahaha!

Myself and Veronica

Veronica and Clemmie in Front on the Bay Bridge

After Lunch we drove to See The Golden Gate Bridge at Clemmie’s Request…

Clementine’s Rendition on The Golden Gate bridge. Pretty Flexible!

Also Clemmie’s Rendition of Flying like a bird… I bet she would be amazing at Charades!

Veronica, Jenny and I Running in Slow Motion

– Check into Solage Hotel
755 Silverado Trail
Calistoga, California 94515

– Dinner 9:30p : Go Fish
641 Main Street
St. Helena, California 94574
Reseration For 9:00 pm, Under Taryn Cox

– Cocktails at The Bar at Martini House:
1245 Spring Street @ Oak
St. Helena, California 94574

Beautiful Napa Valley


– 8:30 am: Ride Bikes

Veronia, Me, and Clemmie Outside a Winery

Veronica and I in a Field of Wild Flowers.

Catalog Laugh…..

9:30 am: Breafast: Sol Bar ( Hotel Restaurant )
755 Silverado Trail
Calistoga, California 94515

-10:30 am: Horseback Riding at Triple Creek
3801 North St. Helena
Calistoga, Ca 94515
707 788 8700
1 Hour Ride, $60.00 per Person
My Self and my Horse Jake… All he wanted to do was eat grass the entire ride….
But I did learn how to trot properly that day.

Clemmie and her Cowboy hat Prop… Looks just like a real cowgirl! Yee Haw!

After Horseback riding we all took advantage of the goregous weather and layed by the pool and swam a few laps. Packed up the Room and Check out.

– 1:00 pm: Lunch at Taylors Refresher
644 1st Street
Napa, Ca 94559
( The burgers and garlic Fries are AMAZING!!! And the adorable picnic area in the back is like something out of the hamptons! Very Picturesk! )

Drive Home back to Los Angeles

Photographed in Paris

Photographed outside Valentino at The Tracadero

Photographs by: Wayne Tippetts 
For: www.Streetstyleaesthetic.Com