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January 2nd, 2009 — About Me

Charmed She’s Sure
No bow is too big, Skirt too poufy, or color too bright for Taryn Cox, Hollywood’s best kept secret and life style organizer extraordinaire.
“I want to dress as if corks never stop popping, every room has a view and women are dressed to dazzle” Declares Taryn Cox, quoting a review of the audrey Tatou film “Priceless.” For this 25-year old California native, who matches her headbands to her cashmere cardigans, who slips petticoats under her floral-print skirts, and whose license plate reads STEPFORD, Looking like the “girlest of girls” is absolute perfection. A former personal assistant to Hollywood stars, Including Scarlett Johansson, Lindsay Lohan, Cox now runs her own “Domestic Service,” fetching groceries ( in enviromentally friendlly canvas bags, of course ), arranging flowers, orginizing dinner parties and doing whatever else her celebrity clients need around the house – Like a 1950’s second wife, only prettier. As her handwritten Thank you notes and signiture chocolate souffles suggest, When it comes to this ex-model’s style, which she describes as “classic preppy with a feminine twist,” There are rules: Never wear pants after 7 pm; always maintain a fresh french manicure and cherry red toes; do accessorize with big bows; and wear all colors of the rainbow. Says this modern day Cinderella with a closet full of Carolina Herrera and Chanel, “If i could go to a black tie ball everyday, I would.” – Whitney Vargas
Monday 9:00 am-
“Even if I’m Running out to get coffee for one of my clients, my hair is curled and I’m in a dress – I own over 95 of Them”
For Running Errands –
“No one dresses like i do, so its a bit odd.” Says Cox. Who always changes into heels before and evening out.
Tuesday 2:00 pm –
” Personal Stationary is fetched at Los Angeles’ Jonathan Wright and Company, the same shop that does Rodate’s print material.”
Wednesday 11:00 am-
“I feel like a flower, so the more color the better. And cashmere cardigans are a must. “
Thursday 1:00 pm-
“I have a pretty hectic schedule, which is why I’m usually in flats for day, But i make time to work out: I run in the morning, swim in the afternoon and take ballet 3 nights a week.”
Formal Personal Details –
“Even at home, checking up on email and writing notes, Cox maintain her polished look”
A roomy bag for work and workouts –
” Could you guess that pink is one of my favorite colors?”
Friday 5:00 pm
” Chunky Necklaces dress up any plain look. And I love costume jewlrey – right now I love my Sonia Boyajian Ring because it looks just like an engagment ring “
For a touch of Girly Glamour –
“Satin Bows are Sexy”
Friday 8:00 pm
” For diner dates with my girlfriends at Porta Via or The Chateau Marmont, I’ll wear Valentino or Oscar de la Renta with one of my chanel BAgs. But I’m always in bed by midnight”
Outakes From The Elle Photo Shoot
October 31st, 2008 — About Me, Things I Love

My heart was broken today, When I had learned of the awful news that My Dog, Howard, The love of my life, had to be put to sleep. Howard has given me 13 years of pure unconditional love. It seems like yesterday I just adopted him From the Animal Shelter. As soon as our Adventure begun, He instantly Became a part of our Family. From learning new Tricks, sharing daily walks down Lake Street Lane, His Soft Cashmere like furry ears, To Howard keeping my feet warm at night. He taught me responsibly and nurturing perseverance at the age of 13. In fact, he’s been one of the greatest reasons for me to be a kinder, more gentler person. Howard’s life has a gift to me. And as I sit here grief stricken, tears rolling down my cheeks, My heart heavy with sadness, I will never forget the cheerful puppy memories he leaves with me.
My Honey Bear, Howie, African Fruit Bat, Pumpkin Head, Little Fox, Baby Beluga, Little Seal, Fur Butt, “You’re just so cute, I could just eat you right up” I will love you always! Xoxo
October 19th, 2008 — About Me, Activities, Halloween

Riley’s FarmĀ is the perfect Fall Field Trip for any family living in Southern California. This Weekend my delightful mother and I took a trip out to the farm, our intentions were to pick apples and pumpkins on a perfect autumn day. We had such a great time, that we decided it would become a new fall tradition. Riley’s Farm is a wonderful way for any family to spend the day together, Its extremely child friendly, has tons of sugary apple treats to keep your little ones hopped up on sugar. Although the farm system is a bit dis-orginized, be sure to bring your patience with you. And wear plenty of sunscreen.
Here are some tips we would suggest to any family planning to visit Oak Glen.
- Bring cash, credit cards are a big hassle and cash lines are shorter.
- I would advise to go early in the morning or in the evening when it tends to be less crowded.
- Leave babies at home, as strollers are very difficult to push on the up hill trails which are covered with dirt, dust and rocks. After juggling apples, pumpkins, a purse and your other kids, trust me… You’ll thank me later.
- If you plan on purchasing pumpkins, bring a wheel barrel, wagon, canvas bags. Carrying heavy pumpkins back to your car can be extremely difficult.
- Lines for Lunch are very long (we waited an 1 hour), Riley’s Farm has a goregous, giant, green lawn perfect for bringing packed Lunches. So don’t forget your picnic basket and a blanket.
- If you’re planning on picking apples, bring canvas bags, to cut down on the waste of the paper bags they give you.
- Wear closed towed shoes you don’t mind getting dirty, we wore sandels and came back with filthy feet.
- Bring water bottles and wet wipes, as hands can get quite dirty from handling dusty fruit.
Riley’s Farm
12261 South Oak Glen Road
Oak Glen, California 92399
(909) 797 – 7534
Hours of Operation – 9:00am – 5:00pm
Apple and Pear Picking – $6.00 – 20.00