Entries Tagged 'Advice' ↓
October 29th, 2014 — Advice, Books

In this explosively original book, Perel explains that our culture penchant for equality, togetherness, and absolute candor is antithetical to erotic desire for both men and women. Sexual excitement doesn’t always play by the rules of good citizenship. It is politically incorrect. It thrives on power plays, unfair advantages, and the space between self and other. More exciting, playful, even poetic sex is possible, but first we must kick egalitarian ideals and emotional housekeeping out of our bedrooms.
While Mating in Captivity shows why the domestic realm can feel like a cage, Perel’s take on bedroom dynamics promises to liberate, enchant, and provoke. Flinging the doors open on erotic life and domesticity, she invites us to put the “X” back in sex. A must read for THE WIFE™. Now available in 24 languages, $13.99 at Amazon.com
October 10th, 2014 — Advice, Books, Etiquette, Kids, WIFE with Kids

This book is perfect for THE WIFE™ raising sons to become charming little princes, but how does one behave like a Prince in today’s world? Notes for a Young Prince is a heartfelt one note per page letter from Father, HSH Prince Alexi Lubomirski to his two sons, touching on different subjects ranging from romance to spirituality, manners to chivalry, love, balance, and leadership, mixing a touch of old world charm with modern day elegance.
- “Be chivalrous at all times. Stand up when introduced to women. open doors for them, help carry their belongings, and protect them from harm.”
- “Be romantic. Think of different ways each day to express your love to your loved ones. Love needs to be encouraged, fed, and celebrated. Do it it every day!”
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October 6th, 2014 — Advice, Article, Video

Esther Perel is recognized as one of the world’s most original and insightful voices on personal and professional relationships. Her best-selling book Mating in Captivity: Unlocking Erotic Intelligence (translated into 25 languages.) has made her a world renowned sexpert. Shifting the paradigm to our approach to modern relationships, The New York Times, in a cover story, named her the most important game changer on sexuality and relationships since Dr. Ruth. Her critically acclaimed viral TED talk (featured below) reached nearly 5 million viewers in the first year.
Click “continue reading” to learn about Esther’s 5 Mistaken Assumptions About Love Term Love, a must read for every WIFE. For THE WIFE™ intrigued by Esther, sign up now for her online workshop starting this week, learn more at Estherperelclasses.com.
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August 13th, 2014 — Advice, Books

Oscar-nominated documentarian Dana Adam Shapiro set out across the country with a tape recorder in search of modern answers to an age-old question: Why does love die—and what can we do to prevent it from happening?
It all began as a self-help journey in the purest sense. A serial monogamist for more than two decades, Shapiro had just ended his fifth three-year relationship and wanted to know why the honeymoon phase never lasted until the actual honeymoon. Believing that you learn more from failure than from success, he spent the next four years interviewing hundreds of divorced people, living vicariously through the romantic tragedies of others, hoping to become so fluent in the errors of Eros that he would be able to avoid them in his own love life—and one day be a better husband.
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June 30th, 2014 — Advice, Health, THE WIFE Guide, Things I Love, Tips

THE WIFE™ is a huge fan of Oprah’s Super Soul Sunday on OWN. A positively fantastic show and network dedicated to better THE WIFE’s™ everyday life through powerful, thought-provoking and inspiring authors, visionaries and spiritual leaders. Awaken your best self and the world around you with THE WIFE’s™ favorite books below and catch Super Soul Sunday on OWN, Sundays at 11:00 am. –Taryn Cox for THE WIFE
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