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Book to Read: "My Life in France."
August 29th, 2009 — Books
Cute Kids Book: "1000 Times No"

“All right, Noah, dear. It’s time to leave,” says Noah’s mom. Noah has other plans. “No,” he says. And then says it again. And again. And each time, his nose get crazier and crazier. A shattered, red-colored No! matches his rage, while a small, cursive no encapsulates his blithe obstinance. That’s just for starters: Warburton features two nos per page, then quarters that into four nos, then nine. The goofy creativity multiplies along with the refusals—Noah says Nyet wearing a Russian hat, O-nay as a pig, Negative as a robot, Hon’-Ka-Zhi from a tepee, and even uses hieroglyphics and Morse code dots and dashes. The pastels of the watercolor-and-pencil art quickly explode into a colorful chaos that concludes with the entire cast of Noahs singing “Nooooooooo” in a chorus. It’s a lot of fun and will feel familiar to any parent up against a child’s tireless opposition, and kids (maybe) will recognize their own silly stubbornness. The educational use of various languages extends the book’s age range a bit, too.
Funny Book for Moms: "If these Boobs could Talk."
July 16th, 2009 — Babies, Books
Of the approximately four million women who give birth each year, 70 percent will choose to breastfeed. This delightfully funny book helps those 2.8 million nursing moms laugh out loud, learn with unexpected tips and trivia, and de-stress during the most exciting new phase of their life.
Don’ts For Wives
July 1st, 2009 — Advice, Books
DON’T let him have to search the house for you. Listen for his latchkey and meet him on the threshold.
DON’T try to excite your husband’s jealousy by flirting with other men. You may succeed better than you want to. It is like playing with tigers and edged tools and volcanoes all in one.
DON’T expect your husband to be an angel. You would get very tired of him if he were.
DON’T bother your husband with a stream of senseless chatter if you can see that he is very fatigued.
DON’T forget to wish your husband good morning when he sets off to the office. He will feel the lack of your good-bye kiss all day.
DON’T moralise by way of winning back the love that seems to be waning. Make yourself extra charming and arrange delicious dinners which include all your husband’s favourite dishes.
DON’T be jealous of your husband’s bachelor friends. Let him camp out with them for an occasional weekend if he wants to. He will come back all the fresher and full of appreciation for his home.
DON’T say, “I told you so” to your husband, however much you feel tempted to. It does no good and he will be grateful to you for not saying it.
DON’T let breakfast be a “snatch” meal. Your husband often does the best part of his day’s work on it and the engine can’t work if you don’t stoke it properly.
Mothers Day Gift Idea
May 5th, 2009 — Books, Cooking, Mothers Day