Entries Tagged 'Etiquette' ↓
October 10th, 2014 — Advice, Books, Etiquette, Kids, WIFE with Kids

This book is perfect for THE WIFE™ raising sons to become charming little princes, but how does one behave like a Prince in today’s world? Notes for a Young Prince is a heartfelt one note per page letter from Father, HSH Prince Alexi Lubomirski to his two sons, touching on different subjects ranging from romance to spirituality, manners to chivalry, love, balance, and leadership, mixing a touch of old world charm with modern day elegance.
- “Be chivalrous at all times. Stand up when introduced to women. open doors for them, help carry their belongings, and protect them from harm.”
- “Be romantic. Think of different ways each day to express your love to your loved ones. Love needs to be encouraged, fed, and celebrated. Do it it every day!”
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November 28th, 2013 — Books, Etiquette

In the age of Facebook, text messages, e-mail, and business meetings conducted via conference call, the social and professional etiquette of 20 years ago can seem irrelevant. “Our new fast-paced, digital world has brought about the need for more flexible, more relaxed, and generally more enjoyable guidelines for acting with respect and consideration in the electronic space and beyond,” says Dorothea Johnson.
Dorothea Johnson, the world-renowned etiquette expert and her granddaughter, Liv Tyler, are the authors of “Modern Manners.” An elegant guide that is fresh, funny, and decidedly straightforward, taking the stuffiness out of old-school etiquette and updating the phrase “mind your manners” for the 21st century.
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February 14th, 2013 — Etiquette, Gifts, Home, Jewelry, Stationary, Tips

Whether your monogramming something for yourself, your home or a wedding gift there are guidelines to follow. Monograms can add personal style to stationary, linens, jewelry and tailored shirts. Below is the correct etiquette when considering your next personalized project -Taryn Cox for THE WIFE
1. Monogram Style: Single-letter monograms are more casual and multiple letter monograms tend to be more formal. Children’s monograms are often the first initial only, except for keepsake items, which should have a full 3 letter monogram. For married couples using the single monogram, choose the last initial for joint household items and the first initial for personal individual items.
November 6th, 2012 — Art and Culture, Etiquette, Playing House, Tips

Every WIFE should be well versed in auction etiquette whether your preferred auction house be Sotheby’s, Phillips de Pury or Christie’s. If you’re an avid collector chances are you are likely in the know with the key points below. However if you are new to world of auction houses, it can be a bit overwhelming. Here is guide to make your buying and bidding experience simple and seamless. – Taryn Cox for THE WIFE
1. CATAOLGUES: Choose the auction house of your liking and request a catalouge. If you’re a new collector you can subscribe to catalogues, but they will most likely cost you (Sotheby’s are $106.00 each, Christie’s $50.00 and Phillips de Pury $35.00). However if you are a regular collector they send them to you free of charge. If you’re looking to avoid paying for catalogues try browsing their e-cataolgues online. Also register your email for updates on upcoming sales in the specific catagory of your choosing.
2. AUCTION TERMS: Whether you are looking to buy or sell fine art, jewelry, antiques or other valuable properties, both buyers and sellers should know the glossary of terms and steps to ensure ownership of a desired object or a successful sale. Here is the Glossary of Terms.
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October 23rd, 2012 — Etiquette, Resturants, Things I Love

6 years ago I’ll never forget attending a brunch at The Four Seasons and the attentive waiter asking me if I would prefer a white or a black napkin. I looked at him quizzically and asked why I was given a choice. He patiently responded “We’ll Miss, your wearing a black dress and using a black napkin will avoid getting white lint on your beautiful dress.” What a brilliant idea I thought…Why doesn’t every restaurant offer this special treatment?
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