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Christmas: The Elf on The Shelf

The Elf on The Shelf

This concept is a God sent for THE WIFE who wants her kids to behave extra well the month before Christmas. The Elf on the Shelf® is a special scout elf sent from the North Pole to help Santa Claus manage his naughty and nice lists. When a family adopts an elf and gives it a name, the elf receives its Christmas magic and can fly to the North Pole each night to tell Santa Claus about all your child or children’s behavior that day. Each morning, the elf returns to its family and perches in a different place to watch the fun. Children love to wake up and race around the house looking for their elf each morning.

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Christmas: Letters From Santa

Letters from Santa
Imagine the excitement and wide-eyed wonderment from your kids when they receive a real letter from Santa, direct from the North Pole. A wonderful edition if you want to introduce Elf on The Shelf or use as a thank-you note for the milk and cookies for your kids to read on Christmas morning. If you want to go the extra mile, take to a calligrapher to make the note look extra official. $7,00 for one stationary set at Parrottdesignstudio.com. -Taryn Cox for THE WIFE

The Elder Statesman’s Kids Collection

This December, The Elder Statesman will introduce its new children’s collection, which will feature stuffed animals, diaper covers, cozy knitwear and smaller versions of the brands blankets. To kick off the kids range, Founder, Greg Chait has created a short film featuring the female lead frolicking around in Elder Statesmean knits and reminiscing about her ex love, a teddy bear named Tomate. The Elder Statesman’s children’s range will be available in December on elder-statesman.com and at select retailers. -Taryn Cox for THE WIFE

WIFE with Kids: Charlotte Olympia Kids

Charlette Olympia Kids Shoes

 Like mother like daughter, Charlotte Olympia recently launched her debut range of kids footwear. The collection is titled “Incy,” after the childhood nursrey rhyme “The Incy Wincy Spider.” The line features 6 different styles modeled after the women’s collection. Click “continue reading” for the look book. Available now for your girly little tots at CharlotteOlympia.com -Taryn Cox for THE WIFE

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Dior Kids, Summer 2013

Dior Kids

Dior Kids,

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