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May 10th, 2011 — Activities, Kids, Resturants, Things I Love

Los Angeles has a reputation for fantastic weather and an epic spread of land, but rarely do you get to experience the two unadulterated while nursing a cocktail. At the Yamashiro Farmers Market, however, every Thursday atop a peak in the Hollywood Hills, visitors can take in Los Angeles on a hot night with sweeping views of the sparkling grid, along with a few other California specialties: fresh produce and artisanal prepared foods, plus our greatest export alongside Hollywood — wine.
Set in the parking lot outside Yamashiro, the majestic CalAsian restaurant, patrons can stroll from booth to booth, sampling everything from Nicholas Family Farms’ fresh juices such as mandarin and grapefruit, to buying ripe roses from Eufloria, a sixth-generation flower-farming business. There are also food trucks, Last week was the Cool Haus and Heirloom Catering Trucks. You can purchase your own wine (in moderation, please) from a variety California vineyards (along with some French and Italian pours).
But maybe most popular of all is the Yamashiro Grill stand, which hawks street tacos spilling over with braised short ribs, hoisin duck confit (My Favorite) or miso-sake-marinated black cod, with sides such as wasabi guacamole and ginger salsa.
Yamashiro Farmers Market started back in March 2010 and has been a hit ever since with the locals. So next Thursday evening grab the family and come enjoy the sweeping city views, shop for your weekly produce and grab dinner while enjoying some music! – LA Times
Yamashiro Farmers Market
1999 North Sycamore Avenue
Los Angeles, CA 90068
(323) 466-5125
5:00pm – 9:00pm
April 13th, 2011 — Activities, Kids

Visit The Natural History Museum of Los Angeles April 11 through September 6, 2011 to see more than 40 different butterflies and an array of plants. They take up residence every summer for our much-anticipated seasonal exhibit, the Pavilion of Wings. Wander through a unique changing and growing ecosystem. Witness wondrous free-flying creatures interacting with plant life and with each other and emerge with a better understanding of the environment needed for the survival of these spectacular animals.
By no means a static exhibit, the pavilion showcases the fascinating dance between butterflies and moths and the plants that surround them. These life forms have refined their impressive interaction over the course of millions of years. You’ll be able to see, up close, how butterflies obtain nectar from flowers. You’ll witness caterpillars as they feed on plant leaves and go through the process of their transformation into adult butterflies. Various butterflies are present at different points during the season and the plants continue growing and changing throughout the process. This means that you can visit the Pavilion of Wings throughout the summer and have a different experience every time.
The Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County
900 Exposition Blvd.
Los Angeles, CA 90007
Phone: (213) 763-DINO
April 5th, 2011 — Babies, Kids

Belle Heir was created out of our love of fine vintage and in appreciation of the
care, quality and attention to detail that once went into the construction of clothing: hand-stitching, smocking, pin-tucks, pleating, embroidery and button-work. They have sought out the most unique and original pieces from this lost age of elegance and offer you these treasures to become your child’s own, one-of-a-kind keepsakes or beautiful gifts for those you love. Their focus is on clothing for newborns to five year olds, with an emphasis on fine cottons, linens, silks and soft woolens.
February 17th, 2011 — Kids, Tips, Travel

Parents traveling with kids are probably all too familiar with the grimacing faces of fellow passengers when you board a flight with a baby or toddler… It’s enough to make any new parent feel apprehensive about traveling.
My daughter Violet was born three years go, right around the time my husband’s work was due to take him around the globe. Not wanting to be apart for so long we decided to travel together, so at 3 weeks old Violet had her passport and we were packing our bags… and we haven’t looked back since!
Saying that, traveling with a baby isn’t what I’d call ‘easy’, but there are things you can do that make it a lot easier. Here are my top ten tips to making journeys with little ones bearable, even enjoyable!
1. Routines are key! While everything around them is changing keeping to a routine helps to make your baby feel secure in their new environment and adjust faster to time zones. It also helps avoid those tired/hungry melt-downs! If it’s bedtime or naptime at home then it’s sleep time on the plane too. Bring diapers, pajamas and their favorite cuddly toy and make it clear it’s time to sleep. When you land, adjust this routine to the new time zone. Sticking to it can be hard but persevere as over time it really does pay off.
2. Consider travel plans when investing in key baby equipment, particularly your stroller. Go for a compact, light-weight, fully collapsible one. I recommend a sling for very young ones, which allows you to carry your baby but be hands-free at the same time. BabyBjorn does a brilliant one.
3. Travel with your own car seat. It’s a pain but better than arriving somewhere and finding there isn’t one or it’s the wrong size. When you check-in ask them to bag it in plastic or pay to have it wrapped by machine. Otherwise they get battered, dirty and often wet when stowed.
4. Organize your hand luggage ready for security checks. Sounds silly but you’ll have your hands full with baby, removing coats & shoes, folding down the stroller etc, so make life easier by putting lap-tops and liquids within easy reach. Plus wear easy to remove footwear!
5. Bring a change of clothes in your hand luggage – for you as well as your baby. Spillages, leaky diapers, sicky-babies… there’s nothing worse than a long haul flight wearing soiled or wet clothes!
6. Don’t fall into the sugar trap! Tempting as it may be to give sweet treats to toddlers to keep the peace, avoid at all cost! Sugary snacks, juices & sodas make them more over-excited and less likely to behave. Bring a good stock of healthy snacks and keep them hydrated with regular drinks of water. Bringing your own beaker cup helps avoid spillages.
7. Don’t reply on airlines to provide healthy food. It doesn’t matter which airline or class you fly, kids food always seems to be junk and usually full of high-sugar snacks. Try to cook up one meal to bring with you – something simple like veggie pasta. There are great lunch boxes designed for kids-on-the-go – invest in a fun one.
8. Bring a good selection of toys and activities. Pack a ‘bag of tricks’ full of little things for them to play with on the plane, plus some good books. Coloring pens and children’s magazines are excellent too. Anything they can play sitting down! Bring one DVD for long flights – but save it for emergencies!
9. If you are staying in a hotel phone in advance and put in a list of requests. Hotels are usually happy to provide basic baby equipment. If you know people where you are going, beg & borrow whatever you can to make life easier. The less you have to carry the better!
10. Make it exciting! If you are relaxed and enthusiastic your child will most likely follow your lead. Things will go wrong sometimes but try your hardest to stay calm in front of your baby. Chat to your toddler about your travel plans. Get excited together about the trip to the airport, the plane, the hotel and the prospect of a new bed/crib to sleep in. Do some research into fun things to you can do when you get there. There are lots of websites and baby-blogs with good city guides and chat to hotel staff for suggestions.
Happy Travels! – Chloe Buckland
January 14th, 2011 — Kids