Entries Tagged 'Kids' ↓
July 6th, 2015 — Activities, Arts and Crafts, Gifts, Kids, Los Angeles, WIFE with Kids

We are hooked on the concept that Fleurish has introduced to the California WIFE. A wonderous DIY Flower Bar in the heart of Brentwood and just next door to Alfred Cafe (perhaps a little caffeine pick me up before your flower arranging class?) THE WIFE™ literally becomes a “Fleurist” by picking out her own flowers from the on site flower fridge, then can customize her own arrangement under the curated guidance of one of Fluerish’s floral experts (Just incase you hit snag trying to arrange your pink peonies).
Not feeling creative, sign up for an inspiring class or choose from one of their already designed “FleurKits” and arrange it yourself. Each ‘FleurKit’ comes with a vase, flowers, specialty trimmings, and a custom box for easy transport. And if you’re just plain lazy…. scope up a pre made arrangement on the fly. Fleurish has a little some thing for every WIFE.
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June 26th, 2015 — Beauty, Kids, The Beautiful WIFE, WIFE with Kids

THE WIFE™ with Kids or shall we say daughters knows how essential “The Braid” is for afternoons on the beach, sweaty soccer games and days spent at summer camp. Whether it’s a simple 3 strand braid or an uber chic french braid, this magical hairdo makes managing your little ones hair easy breezy. However, getting it to stay put is always a challenge, which is why Redken’s new Braid Aid is a summer must have for you bathroom cabinet.
Their braid defining lotion adds just the right amount of hold and grip without your hair looking over styled. Redken’s Braid Aid, $25.00 at Ulta.com – THE WIFE™
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March 31st, 2015 — Easter, Kids, WIFE with Kids

Easter is one of the few holidays you can get away with playing dress up with your little ones. Whether your kids will be hunting for eggs, attending brunch or sitting through Sunday school, click “continue reading” to shop charming pastel outfits for your adorable little Easter bunny! – THE WIFE™
Photographed Above: Audrey Dress Multicolored, $380.00 at Bonpoint.com; Little Bunny Dress Up Kit, $9.95 at ShopMeriMeri.com; Incy Hop To It, $345.00 at CharlotteOlympia.com
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March 30th, 2015 — Kids, THE WIFE Guide, Tips, Travel, WIFE with Kids

Below average temperatures and above average precipitation have hampered most of the country this winter, leaving THE WIFE™ more ready than ever for a warm weather vacation destination. While having kids of all ages can mean added stress while traveling, there is no reason why a family vacation can’t be enjoyable. While it’s a big job, there are steps you can take to help make this the best vacation for your family. Click “continue reading” for THE WIFE’s travel tips for a stress free spring break holiday. – THE WIFE™
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January 26th, 2015 — Arts and Crafts, Kids, Valentine's Day

These super cute “You Make Me Loose My Noodle” Valentine’s Day cards are great for kids as young as toddlers. THE WIFE™ with Kids can spend the afternoon painting dried penne pasta with colorful acrylic paints. Once dry, use two-tone twine and foam heart stickers to turn into necklaces. Perfect for all your children’s playdate pals. Head over to The Alison Show for project instructions and to download the template. -THE WIFE™