Entries Tagged 'Tips' ↓
October 20th, 2014 — Halloween, Kids, Tips, WIFE Guide

Parents with Young Children:
Before Leaving Home:
- Make your child eats dinner before setting out.
- Make sure children use the bathroom before leaving home.
- Plan your route ahead of time.
Flash Lights:
- Make sure your child carries a flashlight or has reflective tape on their costume to make them more visible to cars.
- Carry a flashlight to illuminate sidewalks, steps and paths. Check or replace batteries before you leave the house.
- Glow Sticks can be used in the dark along with flashlights.
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October 6th, 2014 — Halloween, Tips, WIFE Guide

We’ve all been there… Trying to guess-timate the best time to carve your pumpkin to ensure it will last until Halloween night. So THE WIFE™ did a little research and found out some of the best tried and true methods for keeping pumpkins their freshest. The suggested tips below will insure your creatively carved pumpkins will last and be enjoyed by your neighborhood trick or treaters.– Taryn Cox for THE WIFE™
1. Choosing your pumpkin – Select pumpkins that are very fresh and firm. Avoid choosing a pumpkin that has bruises, soft areas, cuts and or any other visible blemishes.
2. Weather: Remember that warm weather and hot sunlight can speed up the decay of your pumpkin. If you live in a hot climate be sure to store your uncut pumpkins in a cool spot and wait to carve them a day or two before Halloween.
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August 20th, 2014 — Cleaning, THE WIFE Guide, Tips

August can be miserable from the sweltering heat, making days spent by the pool or beach is a MUST. While THE WIFE’s™ Summer tan is bound to fade, we want to make sure the color in your expensive swimwear does not. With sunscreen, deodorant, and chlorine working against you, we looked to The Laundress for step by step instructions on how to care for your family’s summer swimwear. -Taryn Cox for THE WIFE™
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June 30th, 2014 — Advice, Health, THE WIFE Guide, Things I Love, Tips

THE WIFE™ is a huge fan of Oprah’s Super Soul Sunday on OWN. A positively fantastic show and network dedicated to better THE WIFE’s™ everyday life through powerful, thought-provoking and inspiring authors, visionaries and spiritual leaders. Awaken your best self and the world around you with THE WIFE’s™ favorite books below and catch Super Soul Sunday on OWN, Sundays at 11:00 am. –Taryn Cox for THE WIFE
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May 8th, 2014 — Beauty, The Beautiful WIFE, THE WIFE Guide, Tips

THE WIFE’s facialist and skincare renewal expect, Gina Mari is at the forefront of the newest skincare technologies and advances in science. She is praised for giving her exclusive, high profile clientale a flawless, radiant, no make-up look. Each specialized treatment is custom-designed to clients’ individual skincare needs, using progressive methods to erase the physical manifestations of aging and or the effects of acne. THE WIFE Favorite: LED Light Therapy and MircoCurrent Therapy.
“Maintaining healthy and youthful skin is a lifetime commitment in a battle against time, genetics and our environment. Preserving your skin is an ongoing process, just like going to the gym. My goal is to maintain your skin to ensure that it is looking beautiful, vibrant and full of the youthful, healthy glow we all desire,” says Marí.
Click “continue reading” for Gina Mari’s tips for THE WIFE on working with an esthetician and what you should do before, during and after your appointment. To schedule an appointment with Gina Mari, visit Ginamari.com for more information. -Taryn Cox for THE WIFE
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