Cute Shopping Totes

These Adorable bags by Anya Hindmarch are perfect for Saturday shopping sprees. All 6 Totes come with illustrated photos for every store you might pop into: General Shopping Tote (Perfect for Target Runs), Dry Cleaning Tote, Fruit and Veggie Tote (Great for trips to the Farmers Market) Laundry Tote, Dairy Tote and Meat and Poultry Tote (Bring along to your Local Butcher) All Totes are 55.00 Pounds


1 comment so far ↓

#1 Najiyah on 10.04.09 at 10:44 pm

I ♥ Anya's bag line. These are absolutely divine! Thanks for passing through my GDFierce Neighborhood!

GDFierce Xoxo

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