Tiffany Asked –
Hi Taryn!
I am a true fan of your website and I admire your impeccable style of dress! I first took notice of you in the December issue of Elle and admired your taste and mature and fabulously classic sense of style.
My dilemma: I am currently undergoing chemotherapy treatment for breast cancer (was diagnosed in August – day after I turned 30). I am a housewife and mother of three lovely girls. My husband is an awesome father, excellent provider, supportive, very handsome, and extremely caring (need I go on…he’s my Brad Pitt). Problem is since I’ve been sick I have not been able to be that 1950’s housewife I’ve always strived to become. I have not been able to cook in months (previously, I cooked 4-5 times a week and always tried new meals at least twice a month). In addition, due to the awful side effects of my treatments I am too exhausted to tidy the way I use too and most of all; I have not been able to keep myself looking glamorous, sexy and afloat as previous. Moreover, since the bilateral mastectomy (with reconstruction), weight gain due to medication and the alopecia due to chemotherapy I have been feeling depressed and insecure.
My husband helps out a lot and really tries to encourage me my ensuring this is just temporary, however, I cannot help but feel bad.
Please provide any suggestions and advice as my treatments will soon end and I would really like to become the Stepford Wife my husband adored, admired, and fell in love with. I love “over dressing” me and the girls and would love to get back to doing so (even with the new physical changes: e.g. – hair loss, weight gain: however, new breast!)
Thanks in advance for your time, suggestions and advice!
Philadelphia, PA
THE WIFE Answered –
I have to say, You are quite the Mother Warrior… to be dealing with chemotherapy, 3 Kids and still trying to be the perfect WIFE! You are my personal hero!
So for the time being my advice to you…. What would make you the perfect wife is to just sit back and focus on recovering from breast cancer. Rule of Thumb: ‘You cant take care of your family, if you don’t take care of yourself first.’

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