10 Tips for THE WIFE: Cleaning and Storing Winter Furs

A fur coat is no impulse purchase. It is also not a wash and wear garment that you can clean quickly at the neighborhood dry cleaner. Fur coats are decadent and expensive luxury fabrics that have specific instructions for their meticulous cleaning and maintenance regimen. For fur coat connoisseurs who wish to clean their suitably stylish coats, use these tips to rid your coat from dust and grime and restore your fur to its original soft and fluffy texture.

  1. Clean your fur coat once a year. Perfumes, perspiration and spilled liquids can damage fur, so plan to clean your fur pieces annually. Before you store your fur in a temperature-controlled environment, have it cleaned and repaired.
  2. Never use sprays or cleaning fluids on your fur. Have them professionally cleaned each year to insure many years of enjoyment.
  3. Find a professional furrier with a cleaning service. Not all furriers are alike. Some furriers create an in-house cleaning facility that cleans furs onsite. Others may send their furs coats off to an independent company that specializes in cleaning and glazing. Ask your furrier to explain their cleaning process in detail to select the best vendor to clean your fur coats.
  4. Understand the fur cleaning and conditioning process. Unlike wool, silk or cloth, which is cleaned by immersion, the abrasion method is used to clean fur. The furrier prepares a drum filled with sawdust and a chemical solution. The fur technician places the fur coat into the drum. The garment is tumbled repeatedly to remove all dirt, oils and odors. A glazing solution is then applied to the fur to add sheen and restore the soft and fluffy texture
  5. Determine if your fur coat requires special services. Light-colored and white furs require special attention. Ermines, foxes, white minks and chinchillas may yellow due to sunlight. Your furrier will add a special whitening agent to restore the fur back to its original color.
  6. If your fur gets wet, shake it out and hang it to dry in a well-ventilated room. Keep it away from direct heater or radiator, which can cause both fur and leather to dry out. After it is dry, shake it again. Most furs will take some rain and snow far better than wool or either a winter coat will. If the fur is soaked through, however take it immediately to your fur retailer for proper treatment. Never brush or rub away the excess water.
  7. Always hang your fur on a broad-shouldered hanger never on a wire hanger. Give your fur enough room in the closet so the fur is not crushed. Avoid leaving a fur hanging in a bright place. The light can cause the fur to oxidize or change color.
  8. Never store your fur in a plastic bag where air cannot circulate. Furs like to breathe. Plastic prevents air from circulating and can dry out the leather when traveling, store your fur in a cloth garment bag provided by your furrier.
  9. Never attempt to mothproof a fur yourself. Home treatments are no substitute for professional cleaning and storage.
  10. Try not to rub the fur with handbags as it can cause wear spots. Never pin jewelry on your fur. Also avoid spraying perfume or hairspray onto your fur. – Taryn Cox for THE WIFE/eHow.Com

    Ted Turner’s Voluntary Initiatives:

    Ted Turner has conquered the business world. Now he wants to help save the world. Watch as he shares a list of voluntary initiatives he believes would help conserve valuable natural resources and restore peace and harmony to earth. Be inspired to make a difference!

    These are the Ten Voluntary Initiatives as shared by Ted on Oprah’s Master Class on OWN :

    1. I promise to care for planet earth and all living things thereon, especially my fellow human beings.
    2. I promise to treat all persons everywhere with dignity, respect, and friendliness.
    3. I promise to have no more than one or two children.
    4. I promise to use my best efforts to help save what is left of our natural world in its undisturbed state and to restore degraded areas.
    5. I promise to use as little of our nonrenewable resources as possible.
    6. I promise to minimize my use of toxic chemicals, pesticides, and other poisons and encourage others to do the same.
    7. I promise to contribute to those less fortunate, to help them become self-sufficient and to enjoy the benefits of a decent life, including clean air and water, adequate food, health care, housing, education, and individual rights.
    8. I reject the use of force, in particular military force, and I support the United Nations arbitration of international disputes.
    9. I support the total elimination of all nuclear, chemical, and biological weapons and ultimately the elimination of all weapons of mass destruction.
    10. I support the United Nations in its efforts to improve the condition of the planet.

    WIFE with Style: Lily Aldridge

    Must Download: “Midnight in Paris” Soundtrack

    “Midnight in Paris” is a film about a young man’s great love for Paris in the 1920’s. Woody Allen’s soundtrack to this romantic film set in the city of love is absolutely marvelous!  This album is perfect for dinner parties, cooking in the kitchen and making your house feel like a home! – Taryn Cox for THE WIFE

    Ladies Who Lunch: Cafe Gratitude

    Cafe Gratitude has become one of my favorite stomping grounds for lunches with friends. Terrifying as it might sound their food is 100% organic vegan specializing in gourmet raw and cooked cuisines, but don’t let that scare you away. Some of my favorite dishes include “I am Ecstatic” (Miso Maple Glazed Brussels Sprouts)”I am Fortified” (Quinoa with Roasted Vegetables) and “I am Transformed” (Vegan Tacos). All of their cafes create gourmet dishes with organic produce from their very own farm in Vacaville, California (Be Love Farm). Cafe Gratitude honors the earth, promotes consciousness and sustainability for both our well being. I  suggest arriving with patience as parking can be a headache and the wait for a table can be quite lengthy!- Taryn Cox for THE WIFE

    Cafe Gratitude
    639 North Larchmont Blvd
    Los Angeles, California 90004
    323 580 6383