Martha Stewart Weddings, Fall 2011

Burning Man

(Arriving into Black Rock City)

As crazy and as wild as Burning Man sounds, My three friends, Tom, Tamara, Catherine and I decided to go for it… Figuring why not?!? We’re young and these are the years when you’re meant to experience mysterious and strange places before settling down… Right??? So 15 hours we drove in our rented RV to Black Rock City with open minds.

Upon arrival we we’re greeted by a fellow Burner at the entrance who made us get out of our RV and hugged us while saying “Welcome Home!” Then instructed us to lie down in the dirt and make dust angels (similar to snow angels) on the ground, kind of like an initiation for first timers… Welcome to Burning Man!

To my surprise Burning Man was not as extreme, scary or dirty as friends had frightened me into thinking. It is near impossible to explain and or describe in one common theme as there is so much going on and so much to participate in.  But I’d like to think of it as a super fun, apocalyptic, neon, playground that Tim Burton could have created on Halloween. Because Burning Man is about freedom of expression and community, everyone is open, friendly and as helpful as can be. I highly recommend going once in your lifetime, it’s one to be added to the bucket list! – Taryn Cox for THE WIFE.

Picking up tickets from Will Call.

Burning Man Tickets for 2011. This years theme: Rites of Passage.

My costume for the evening…. a vibrant red wig! Fun!

Tom and I pose for a photo in the desert upon arriving.


An Art Bus transports us 2 miles outside the Playa.

People mingle on the Art Bus

The only practical form of transportation on The Playa… Bicycles.

Sunset on the desert.

Tom and Catherine

Toasting… Cheers!

Not bad food selection for out in the desert!

Zoo Camp Banner Logo

Members of Zoo Camp got these festive dog tag necklaces.

A gorgeous moon at dusk

Discovering the Playa

A dust storm paints the afternoon skyline

The Temple of Transition is a place of ritual and transition, a place where we both remember and look ahead, a place of ending and beginning.

A wedding dress decorates an archway “I Vow to Love Myself First.”

Tom and Catherine take some time out to meditate.

People come to reflect in peacefulness.

The L.O.V.E art installation, Each letter is made of rusted steel. The letters are skinned with bird cutouts.

Art Installation in the Deep Playa.

Art Car

Our group poses for a photo in front of old T.V. sets. It is a mass of mass media designed to draw the participant in from a distance. At night they are illuminated and simultaneously playing different programs.

Chattering Teeth Art Car

Dust at Sunset on The Playa.

Another year at Burning Man comes to a close as the ritual Burning of The Man ignites into flames.

Tamara and I in our costumes.

Song of The Day:

WIFE with Style: Keri Russell

Strawberry Brandied Apricot Jam

Strawberry Brandied Apricot Jam: Loaded with strawberries and brandy soaked apricots, Brandy adds the distinctive sweet yet mellow flavor to Stonewall Kitchen’s all time favorite Strawberry Brandied Apricot Jam. Chunks of ripe and luscious strawberries and apricots fill this jam. An outstanding jam for “Strawberry Jam Bars” Recipe Below. Stonewall Kitchen makes other tasty jams like: Strawberry Balsamic Jam, Blueberry Pomegranate, Mimosa Jam, and Fig and Ginger Jam $7.95 per Jar. Available at Whole Foods or at website below.
