Placenta Encapsulation

Okay Wives… Get Ready because this is a lot to swallow…. Literally!

The First Time I had heard about women eating their own placenta after childbirth was from a hippie yoga instructor named Sunshine ( She mixed it with Scrambled Eggs…. Uhhhh, Vomit!! ) not to mention, I almost pasted out from Shock. Then while recently at a Barbecue, a pregnant women had informed me there are professional companies who will come and freeze dry your placenta and encapsulate it into pills to digest like vitamins! Now this I can actually wrap my head around considering how beneficial it is to your body after birth… Continue reading below for the benefits of this ancient tradition.

For those of you who aren’t familiar with this practice… Let me break it down for you. After you give birth, the placenta follows after the baby. The Placenta is connected to the fetus and basically takes all the nutrients from your body to give to your growing baby. Nearly every mammal consumes the placenta after it’s young is born. Many cultures practice eating the placenta after giving birth, making you post partum recovery much faster. There are many ways to prepare your placenta for ingestion. Some women feel comfortable creating a special recipe for it. Some women even consume it raw…. Yuck! These methods will work, but they limit the length of time you are able to utilize the benefits of placenta to a matter of days.

The new preferred method of ingestion is by capsule. The placenta can be dried, ground, and encapsulated. The capsules can then be taken daily for a number of weeks. You reap all of the healthful benefits of placenta quickly, easily and discreetly, and the capsules will last for years.

Continue taking your prenatal vitamin after the baby comes, for as long as you are nursing. Women who take their placenta capsules tend to have better postpartum experiences, avoid the baby blues, have an increase in energy, and an increase in milk production. Traditional Chinese Medicine has used placenta for centuries to treat issues such as fatigue and insufficient lactation, and scientific studies have bolstered the use of placenta for these conditions. Using the placenta for your postpartum recovery is a very easy and natural way to help you feel better after the birth.

Women who have taken placenta capsules report positive results in an overwhelming number of cases. Some women have even reported feeling positive effects as quickly as the same afternoon of the day they began their first dose. Women who were already feeling “weepy”, or experiencing other early signs of the baby blues, have felt better within days. Although the current scientific research is exciting, we have barely begun to scratch the surface of the potential benefits of placentophagy. Considering that placenta is a completely natural substance, created by a woman’s own body, encapsulation of the placenta is definitely worth considering as part of a holistic postpartum recovery for every expectant woman.

contain your own natural hormones

be perfectly made for you
balance your system
replenish depleted iron
give you more energy
lessen bleeding postnatal
been shown to increase milk production
help you have a happier postpartum period
hasten return of uterus to pre-pregnancy state
be helpful during menopause

With proper preparation, the majority of women can avoid the baby blues. If you intend to use the placenta for your postpartum recovery, you must take measures to ensure the placenta is handled properly from the moment of birth. Placentas can, and do, get ruined from improper handling. A woman who births in a hospital has to adhere to the guidelines and policies in place at their facility of choice. In some cases, there is no written policy, and mothers are then subjected to the whim of the staff on duty at the time they deliver. If you want to take your placenta home after its birth, you must have a plan before you walk through the doors in labor. Your chance of success will increase greatly. From what I’ve heard it can costs anywhere between $100 – 300 Dollars.

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