Real Sex for Real Women

Good Sex had great health benefits: So if you have a good sex (Meaning Better Quality and Quantity) life can lead to the following:

* You can look 7 – 12 Years younger

* Your Immune system is 33% stronger
* You can have a 50% decrease in heart disease
* You can have Less stress and Less Insomnia
* Sex is also a great pain reliever, Orgasms are great for relieving cramps and headaches.

One mistake couples make is that they think sex should happen naturally, Dr. Berman says. But that’s not always the case. “Especially if you’re in a long-term relationship, you’re always going through ebbs and flows physically, socially and environmentally,” she says. “You can’t expect everything to be working perfectly all the time. You’ve got to fine-tune things along the way.” Dr. Berman says couples need to keep gender differences in mind when striving for a good sex life. Men take an average of 5 to 10 minutes to reach orgasm, while women need about 15 to 20 minutes. “If men are a microwave oven, women are a slow-burning stove,” she says. “It’s a big difference.”

Over 60% of women fantasize about being dominated. Because its beyond your control and your being forced to surrender. Because most women have trouble letting go and relinquishing power. She came up with the idea of a “surrender date” Where your husband makes all the decisions and has all the control. He will decide what you wear, where you eat, Etc.

Also Start Kissing your Husband for 10 Seconds everyday, Instead of that standard quick peck. How can regular couples improve their own bedroom behavior? Dr. Berman says it starts with a kiss. “Kissing is so important and goes by the wayside so quickly,” she says. “Remember in the beginning of a relationship, you can’t stop making out with one another? Women, in particular, love that. It’s part of their erotic template —what turns them on.”Dr. Berman has a homework assignment to help couples get in the mood. “Start giving your partner a 10-second kiss at least once a day,” Dr. Berman says. “You’ll be surprised to see what a difference it makes and how long it feels compared to what you normally do.”Dr. Berman says the emphasis should be on kissing for the sake of kissing. “The only time that women get kissed in a long-term relationship is when it’s a prelude to sex. So you want to make it not about sex but just about kissing,” she says. “

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1 comment so far ↓

#1 Nick Andreen on 11.26.10 at 4:19 am

Ok, Let’s put the proverbial cards on the table and wake up to some home truths… This article was clearly written by a woman for women. Although, there is nothing wrong with that, and may I state I believe the content of the article may be accurate, it is written solely from a woman’s point of view. The aforementioned article does not reflect nor take in account how a man generally perceives this issue. Yes, it is true that at the beginning of any relationship there is a great deal of passion and kissing, however this stage may fade and, if you are with the right woman, will be left with your best friend and partner for life. However, what do you then do about intimacy and sex?? This is when it get’s tricky! You need to be honest and open with each other and talk about what “floats your boat”, “rings your bell” “pops your cork” etc… It may not be easy, in fact sometimes it’s near enough impossible!! Weather you like it or not, women are wired up differently to men. Women get turned on by kissing, hugging, the way a man walks, talks, looks at you, if he makes you laugh, how rich he is, how he wears his hair, how he dresses, etc… (You get the picture?) However, at the end of the day, for men it often comes down to how beautiful a woman’s body is or how hot she is?….Clear and simple! Sure, at the beginning of any relationship it’s all about the “game couples play”, but when you are in a long term relationship and the sexual passion may have faded, you need to change tactics and sort it out together. FACT: Men get sexually turned on by looking at a beautiful naked woman. FACT: Men are more emotionally basic than women and will sometimes find it hard to initiate sex (based on the information in the above article) Men just need a kick start and then you may get more kissing and snogging that you can handle. Honestly, from a guys point of view, if you both get naked then love will do the rest!!! xxxxx

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