Saint Olio Aromatic Cleaner

Saint Olio Aromatic Cleaner

I don’t think any WIFE particularly enjoys cleaning…unless of your you’re an OCD maniac like me. If you’re lucky you have a housekeeper, However, If you’re stuck scrubbing counters THE WIFE™ has found Saint Olio to turn mindless chores into somewhat of a blissful task.

Saint Olio has created a healthy way to clean and refresh THE WIFE’s home in a completely naturally. The power comes from their essential oils that are potently and naturally antimicrobial… which means it fights viruses, bacteria, fungi, molds etc. The essential oils can alter your mood as their molecules hit your limbic system (Forget about that petty argument you had with your husband), which is responsible for emotion, behavior and motivation…. Hello Happy House Wife!

Visit Saint Olio to discover their Body Refresher… perfect to mist on pillows and linens, $20.00. All Purpose Cleaner… to clean your house from top to bottom, $20.00. Cleaning Concentrate… which makes 16 bottles of all-purpose cleaner, $80.00. They come in 3 heavenly scents: Citron, Neroli and Sitka. THE WIFE Favorite: Neroli All Purpose Cleaner. Visit to shop now! – THE WIFE™


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