THE WIFE™ can now live out her favorite childhood fantasy! Gone are the days were eating cookie dough was a cruel game of Russian Roulette with samonella poisoning. Edoughble is creating a better, safer cookie dough (with no raw eggs) made to eat right out of the container. No need to bake…. just enjoy pure, doughy, unapologetically sugary, spoon-ready deliciousness made with the best ingredients and mix-ins.
Their ready-made single serving cups are perfect for birthday parties or throw into school lunches. BONUS: Preservatives or artificial flavors are never added so that you can indulge your sweet tooth with reckless abandon and peace of mind. Choose from 10 different tasty flavors, $8.00 – $10.00 each at Edoughble.com
1 comment so far ↓
OMG!!! Bless you for this!
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