THE WIFE Turns 2!

October 1st, 2008 was my very first post, When I had christened the idea to start a blog that would inspire women and wives to bring traditional values back to their homes. And what a couple of years it has been! I want to thank all THE WIFE’s Fans and Readers, without you the success of this blog would not be possible. So for those of you dreaming to be a WIFE one day, for those newly engaged and ready to walk down the aisle, for those WIVES who make your home a happy place to be…
Thank you kindly! – Taryn Cox for The Wife.


#1 Elizabeth on 10.04.10 at 11:52 pm

Congrats!! And I love the cake in the picture!!

#2 Ebony on 10.06.10 at 1:38 am

Happy Birthday!!! And two years later, I’m still a fan. Keep up the great work Taryn.

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