WIFE on The Go: Tile

WIFE on The Go: Tile

As wives we forget a lot of stuff… our keys, that random ingredient from the grocery store and occasionally our minds. Luckily for THE WIFE™ we were just told about the fabulous app called Tile. Tile is a tiny Bluetooth tracker and easy-to-use app that finds everyday items in seconds—like your phone, keys, luggage and possibly your… child?!?

Attach Tile to your keys, stick it to your laptop, throw it in your purse or place in the pocket of small children (perfect for trips to Disneyland for children who love to wander). When you lose any of the above items or persons (…great for lost husbands too! haha!), just login to the app from any computer or smartphone and the app will track to show you as you get closer, while Tile beeps so you can hear it. Ta Da! Lost items found! $25,00 each or 4 pack for $70.00 at TheTileApp.com -THE WIFE™


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